Construction and Standardization of Economics Achievement Test Using Classical Testing and Item Response Methods

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Adunola Osoba


The paper reports the Economics Achievement Test (EAT) construction and standardization.  This study used a multi-stage sampling process involving simple random, stratified, and purposive sampling techniques. Five research questions guided the study. A self-constructed valid and reliable 120-item Draft Economics Achievement Test (DEAT) was administered to 1,200 students. Students’ sex, school location (urban or rural), and school type (publicly or privately owned) were reflected in the selection of participants to ensure representativeness. The instrument was trial tested and the Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was .714. The study made use of Iteman-4, range, and BILOG to analyze data. Results show that the number of items generated was higher in IRT than in CTT. It is recommended that in the construction, standardization, and selection process, both CTT and IRT approaches should be employed. The standardized Economic Achievement Test will be a good instrument for preparing students for either internal or external assessments and comparing their performance.


KEYWORDS:  Achievement, Economics, CTT, IRT, Standardized Testing

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How to Cite
Osoba, A., ALADE, O. ., & ALETAN, ’SOLA . (2024). Construction and Standardization of Economics Achievement Test Using Classical Testing and Item Response Methods. The African Journal of Behavioural and Scale Development Research, 5(1).
Author Biographies


Oluwatomi Modupeola Alade is an Educational Psychologist and holds Ph.D. in Measurement and Evaluation. She was a seasoned Educational Administrator at the Ministry of Education for over 15 years and she is currently an Associate Professor and the Acting Head of Department at the  Department of Educational Foundation at the University of Lagos, Nigeria.


Olusola Aletan is a senior lecturer and holds Ph.D in Educational Psychologist. He has authored several articles and has supervised numerous students at the Department of Educational Foundation, University of Lagos, Nigeria.


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