Secondary school teachers' perception of reopening of schools in the face of COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria

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Omotayo Adewale AWODIJI
Veronica Folasade T. BABAJIDE
Patricia Agnes O. ETEJERE


The global outbreak of COVID-19 disease and its devastating consequences have been issues of great concern which led to the closure of schools. The safe re-opening of schools became more worrisome due to how the prevention and spread of the virus will be curtailed in the school system. Therefore, this study investigated secondary school teachers' perceptions of the re-opening of schools in the face of COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. The study adopted an ex-post facto type of survey research design. The unknown population sample size calculator was adopted to arrive at estimated 385 participants. Snowball sampling technique through virtual and face-to-face means was used to select 310 respondents. A validated structured researcher-designed instrument, 'Secondary School Teachers' Perceptions of Re-opening of Schools Questionnaire' (SSTPRSQ) was used to collect the data online and physically. The reliability co-efficient value (r)of SSTPRSQ was 0.86 using Ordinal Alpha. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to provide answers to the research questions and while inferential techniques were used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance respectively. Results showed that perception of secondary school teachers is high. Appropriate conclusion and recommendations were drawn and made respectively based on the findings of the study.

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How to Cite
AWODIJI, O. A. ., BABAJIDE, V. F. T., & ETEJERE, P. A. O. . (2021). Secondary school teachers’ perception of reopening of schools in the face of COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. The African Journal of Behavioural and Scale Development Research, 3(1).
Author Biography

Omotayo Adewale AWODIJI, UNICAF University, Larnaca, Cyprus

The global outbreak of COVID-19 disease and its devastating consequences have been issues of great concern which led to the closure of schools. The safe re-opening of schools became more worrisome due to how the prevention and spread of the virus will be curtailed in the school system. Therefore, this study investigated secondary school teachers' perceptions of the re-opening of schools in the face of COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. The study adopted an ex-post facto type of survey research design. The unknown population sample size calculator was adopted to arrive at estimated 385 participants. Snowball sampling technique through virtual and face-to-face means was used to select 310 respondents. A validated structured researcher-designed instrument, 'Secondary School Teachers' Perceptions of Re-opening of Schools Questionnaire' (SSTPRSQ) was used to collect the data online and physically. The reliability co-efficient value (r)of SSTPRSQ was 0.86 using Ordinal Alpha. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to provide answers to the research questions and while inferential techniques were used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance respectively. Results showed that perception of secondary school teachers is high. Appropriate conclusion and recommendations were drawn and made respectively based on the findings of the study.


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