Students Social Variables as predictors of Junior Secondary School Interest in Mathematics in Ibadan Municipal, Ibadan, Nigeria

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Timothy Segun Ajose
J. Gbenga Adewale
Ihekwaba Chinyere


The importance of mathematics in national development cannot be overemphasized. However, students' consistent poor performance in the subject has raised a lot of concern among the educational stakeholders.

This study, therefore, investigated how some student social variables (student-teacher relationship, peer pressure, age and birth order) predict their interest in mathematics in Ibadan municipal Oyo State, Nigeria. Two hundred and twenty-five students were sampled from 15 schools. The validated Student Social Variables Questionnaire (SSVQ; r=0.72) and Students' Mathematics Interest Questionnaire (SMIQ; r=0.56) were used. Data collected were analysed using percentage count and multiple regression analysis.

Findings showed that most students 121 (53.8%) have low interest in mathematics. Also, there was a linear relationship between students' social variables and students' interest in Mathematics. The four predictors jointly accounted for 6.9% observed variance in the measures of students' interest in Mathematics, [R = 0.263, R2 = 0.069; p < 0.05]. The best predictor of the students' interest in mathematics was peer pressure [β = 0.243, t (224) = 3.227; p < 0.05].

The study recommended that parents and teachers should educate students on the choice of friends in

relation to how it influences interest in school subject, and consequently their academic performance.

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How to Cite
Ajose, T. S. ., Adewale , J. G. ., & Chinyere, I. (2021). Students Social Variables as predictors of Junior Secondary School Interest in Mathematics in Ibadan Municipal, Ibadan, Nigeria . The African Journal of Behavioural and Scale Development Research, 3(2). Retrieved from


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