Evaluating the Roles of Teacher Variables, Pupil Gender and School Location in Realising Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE) Training Goals in Oyo State, Nigeria

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Folajogun V FALAYE


The study examined the teaching effectiveness of teachers trained under the SMASE programme and the moderating effects of teacher and pupil gender, and school location on achievement in, and attitudes towards Mathematics in Oyo State. Causal-comparative design of expo-facto research type was adopted. Proportionate to size sampling was employed to select 10 local government areas in the state. Schools were stratified into urban and rural, and SMASE and non-SMASE schools. Random and purposive sampling techniques were used to select 20 schools, 20 primary five Mathematics teachers and 25 pupils from each SMASE and non-SMASE schools, making a total of 40 schools, 40 teachers and 1000 pupils. The instruments used were: Pupils Mathematics Achievement Test (r=0.78), Pupils' Attitude towards Mathematics Learning Scale (r=0.88) and Teachers' Socio- demographic scale. Data were analysed using t-test and two-way analysis of variance at α = 0.05. Teachers trained under the SMASE programme were more effective teaching mathematics than the non-SMASE teachers (t (38) =7.78; p<0.05). The moderating effects of teacher and pupil gender on SMASE and non-SMASE pupils' achievement in, and attitudes towards mathematics were not significant. However, the moderating effect of school location on SMASE and non-SMASE pupils' achievement (f (1,995) = 10.34; p< 0.05) in, and attitudes (f (1,995) = 32.36; p<0.05) towards Mathematics were significant. Training and re-training of mathematics teachers in primary schools should be continuous for enhanced achievement in and attitudes towards mathematics.

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How to Cite
FALAYE, F. V., & SANGODOYIN, T. T. (2021). Evaluating the Roles of Teacher Variables, Pupil Gender and School Location in Realising Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE) Training Goals in Oyo State, Nigeria. The African Journal of Behavioural and Scale Development Research, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.58579/AJB-SDR/3.2.2021.61


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