Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Open Distance Learning. Case study of NOUN southwest centres

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Modupeola Obi
Mr. Olugbenga S. Aina


The study   looked at the extent to which Open Educational Resources (OERs) are   provided in NOUN study centres in Lagos, Ogun and Oyo states. A sample of 1,157 being 15.0% of all 300 level   Education students were randomly selected from   the seven (7) centres in the three states. A validated instrument using Chronbach alpha with reliability index of 0.85 was used to collect data on the extent to which listed OERs   are provided in the centres. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression. The study revealed that NOUN has not fully exploited OERs at its disposal to give access to university education to its teeming population. It is suggested that NOUN should make adequate use of OERs at its disposal for content delivery, while the students too should be encouraged to make use of the social network for educational enhancement.


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How to Cite
Obi, M., & Aina, O. (2024). Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Open Distance Learning. : Case study of NOUN southwest centres. The African Journal of Behavioural and Scale Development Research, 5(1).
Author Biography

Mr. Olugbenga S. Aina, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Mr. Olugbenga Aina is  a lecturer in Communication and General Studies Department in Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.


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