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Climate change is a global issue that arises from a combination of anthropogenic activities and natural phenomena. Floods, rainstorms, and high temperatures are natural disasters that have a negative impact on the general wellbeing of people. The prevalence of climatic factors on school infrastructure leads to increased anxiety and fear among individuals, thereby impacting their overall wellbeing. Thus, the study examined the influence of climatic factors (flood, rainstorm, and high temperature) on students and teachers’ wellbeing in selected schools in Ibadan. A non-experimental research type with an ex-post factor design was used because the schools' climatic circumstances had previously occurred. Eight schools were purposely chosen for the study, while 410 pupils and 67 teachers were randomly picked. Two self-reporting scale was developed to collect data from study participants. The instruments' reliability indices are 0.78 and 0.80, respectively, after Cronbach alpha testing. The study found that climatic conditions significantly impact student and teacher wellbeing in Ibadan schools (F (3, 473) = 7.733, p < 0.05). The study found that climatic conditions in selected Ibadan schools affect student and teacher well-being.
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